F.A.Q. - Live control

Live control - Questions and Answers

Q: How do I use SMS commands?
A: You would just need to send an SMS to the tracked phone with the exact defined SMS command

Q: Will the SMS commands be displayed on the target phone?
A: Normally, the messages won’t be displayed on the target phone’s display. These messages could appear if the target phone runs Android 4.4 KitKat / Android 5.0 Lollipop or our app has been uninstalled or stopped. We recommend you to customize the commands. You can find more information in this article.

Q: Who can use SMS commands?
A: Any Easy Phone Track by number user will be able to send SMS commands. Please keep in mind that some SMS commands may not be applicable for your current subscription.

Q: How do I check if the target phone runs Android 4.4 KitKat / 5.0 Lollipop?
A: If you have access to the target phone, go to Phone’s Settings menu, select More, then About Device and finally, choose Android version.

Otherwise, you can also check the Android version by logging in to your account and the phones list will appear on your Dashboard. For each registered phone, you can check the information about the installed OS on the Operating system area. If the phone is running on Android 4.4, we strongly recommend you to customize the commands as they will be displayed to the user. You can find more information in this article.

Q: How do I customize the SMS commands?
A: You can customize the SMS commands from your account on our website. On this article your will find all the needed details. If you need help, please do not hesitate to contact us

Q: The customized messages don't work. What can I do?
A: Here is a list of things you could check:
1. Check if the SMS sent is identical with the customized command. Check for case differences, word spacing or extra symbols.
2. Check for diacritics. We recommend you to use A-Z numbers and common signs. For some diacritics or symbols are available 2 or more codes. Note! To avoid any inconvenience we suggest you to use only A-Z, numbers and common signs. However for languages such as Russian, Serbian or Arabic you can use diacritics.
3. Check if the SMS commands were processed by the application. Log in to your account, go to the Account menu then click on Settings and then, click on the Remote Settings tab. If the “Last settings change on website” has a value smaller or equal to “Last settings update on the phone” then it means that you can use the new commands. Just make sure that the time zone is set correctly. For this purpose, go to the Account section, click on Settings and set the time zone on the Site Settings tab. Don’t forget to save the modifications.

Q: Can I synchronize the settings faster?
A: The settings are synchronized automatically after about 12 hours. You could speed up the synchronization process by reopening our application or restarting the tracked phone with the Internet connection turned ON.

Q: How can I listen to surroundings records?
A: You will be able to listen the recordings directly online. Simply log in to your account on our website, go to General logs and select Surroundings. Here you will find a list with the recordings that you could download to your computer. We recommend you to open the files using VLC player. You can download it for free from HERE.

Q: Restart GPS command didn’t work. What can I do?
A: Please check the target phone’s Android version. Google has restricted this command starting with Android 4.4 KitKat. As a result, this command will not work on some devices.

Q: Take picture with front camera command did not work. What went wrong?
A: Please make sure that the target phone has a built in secondary camera.