Phone number blocker - Questions and Answers
Phone calls blocking
Q: How can I block phone calls?
A: Log in to your account, go to Phones menu, choose the phone for which you want to change the settings and then click on the Nr block title. Click on the Add Phone Call Filter, type the phone number and click on Confirm to complete the process. For more information, please check this article.
Q: Can I block both incoming and outgoing phone calls?
A: All incoming and outgoing phone calls will be blocked for the specified phone numbers.
Q: How does it work?
A: The application will automatically hang up the incoming phone calls and will cancel outgoing phone calls. The application will display a notification every time the user will try to make a call to a blocked number.
Q: Will I be able to see blocked calls on the call logs?
A: The blocked incoming and outgoing phone calls will not be listed in your logs.
Q: Can I block the phone calls via Skype, Line, WhatsApp or other VoIP mobile software?
A: This feature will block only regular phone calls and cannot block calls made with other apps. As a solution, we recommend you to use the App block feature to easily restrict the access to these applications.
Q: Can I use the unblock code to temporarily remove the restrictions?
A: The unblocking code cannot be used to remove the restriction for phone calls and SMS. You can eliminate the restriction at any time, using the Remove button located next to the phone numbers, in the Block Phone calls area.
SMS blocking
Q: How can I block SMS messages?A: Log in to your account, go to Phones menu, choose the phone for which you want to change the settings and then click on the Nr block title. Click on the Add SMS Filter button, type the phone number and click on Confirm to complete the process. For more information, please check this article.
Q: Can I block both incoming and outgoing SMS?
A: After adding the blocked SMS phone number, the application will automatically reject incoming SMS but will not be able to block outgoing SMS messages.
Q: Will a notification be displayed when receiving blocked SMS?
A: The incoming SMS will be rejected without any notification.
Q: Can I block SMS messages by keywords or contact name?
A: The SMS can only be blocked by phone number and not by keywords or contact name. The good news is that you can use the Alerts feature to receive a notification any time a message with a specific keyword is sent or received.
Q: The SMS Filter feature does not work for me. What went wrong?
A: For the moment, this feature is available only for devices that run Android up to 4.3 Jelly Bean, so the SMS filter will not be functional for Android versions starting with 4.4 KitKat.