Quick guide - Customize SMS comamnds
Controlling a phone using SMS commands has just become more easy and efficient. You can customize the commands according to your needs and preferences. This is also a great way to use live controls if the target phone runs on Android 4.4 KitKat or upper.
How can you customize the commands?
Here is what you need to do:1. Log in to your account on our website, using your email address and password
2. Go to Account section on the left.
3. Go to Settings and select Remote Settings tab
4. Edit the command you want to modify. You can set any message. You don’t have to use the symbol #. It can be a simple message like: Where are you? As a best practice, we recommend you to use A-Z letters, numbers and other common characters.
5. Click on the Save button at the end of all commands.
6. If a notification icon will show, it means that the commands are being processed and it will become functional in maximum 12 hours.
You can speed up the synchronization process by reopening our application or restarting the tracked phone while the Internet connection is enabled.
You can check the progress for the synchronization process of the commands, in the same tab. If the “Last settings change on website” has a value smaller or equal to “Last settings update on the phone” then it means you can use the new commands. Just make sure that the time zone is set correctly. For this purpose, go to the Account section, click on Settings and set the time zone on the Site Settings tab. Don’t forget to Save the modifications.
You can now use the new commands but please be sure to write exactly the same message.